3 Nov 2010 Annual Lecture: Mr. Henrique Meirelles, Former Governor of Brazil's Central Bank
GEG Annual Lecture: Why we need a new global economic order: Brazil, the BRICs and the world economy
Mr. Henrique Meirelles, Former Governor of Brazil's Central Bank
GEG was honoured to host Mr. Henrique Meirelles, Former Governor of Brazil’s Central Bank, as the speaker for the 2010 Annual Lecture. The GEG Annual Lecture is given each year by a senior developing country official, who is invited to reflect on the process of managing globalization in their own country. Mr. Meirelles’s lecture on Why We Need a New Global Economic Order: Brazil, the BRICs and the World Economy, underscored the gradual end of American unilateralism and the emergence of new centres of power – a transformation accelerated by the global economic crisis. Brazil is among the countries to most benefit from the crisis, Meirelles observed; its voice, along with that of other BRICs, is thus set to be loudly heard on the global stage.