Taxation and the Social Contract in Nigeria Workshop
Tuesday April 29th 2014
Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB
Oxford Department of International Development will be hosting a workshop on taxation and the social contract in Nigeria. This promises to be a day of engaging presentations and lively discussion focusing on a topical and important issue. Admission is free. Those wishing to attend should contact Dr Oliver Owen
9.00am: Session 1: Technocrats and politicians – the politics of revenue reforms.
- Olly Owen: Notes on the politics of state taxation
- Kehinde Olayode: The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and the Political Economy of Tax Reforms in Nigeria
- Diane de Gramont: Financing the Megacity: Tax Reform in Lagos, Nigeria Since 1999.
- Nic Cheeseman: Taxation and the Social Contract in Lagos.
Chair: Raufu Mustapha
11.00am: Break
11.30am: Session 2: Formality and informality – tax and state power in the city.
- Leah Gatt: Taxation and the Social Contract in Lagos
- Shelby Grossman: The politics of order in informal markets: Evidence from Lagos Adrienne LeBas: The Origins of Voluntary Compliance: Tax Attitudes in Urban Nigeria
- Kate Meagher: 'Taxing Times: Religious Conflict, Taxation and the Informal Economy in Nigeria'
Chair TBC
1.30pm: Lunch
2.30pm: Session 3: Petro-states and peasants - tax reforms in comparative context.
- Emily Anderson: 'Tax and statebuilding in postcolonial Angola and Mozambique (1975-2013)
- Tim Gibbs: The Rise and Fall of Peasant Taxation in South Africa from Cecil Rhodes to Thabo Mbeki.
- Gavin Williams: Comments on tax in the history of Northern and Southern Nigeria.
Chair: Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
4.00pm: Closing comments and thanks.
- Olly Owen
4.30pm: Drinks