Dr Devi Sridhar, Senior Research Associate
Devi Sridhar is a Professor in Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh, a Senior Researcher at the Global Economic Governance Programme, and a Senior Research Associate at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University. She was previously a University Lecturer in Global Health Politics in the Department of Public Health, Oxford (2011 to 2012), Postdoctoral Research Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford (2007 to 2011) and Director of the Global health Governance Project at the Global Economic Governance Programme Oxford (2006 onwards).
She holds a DPhil and MPhil from Oxford where she was a Rhodes Scholar, and a B.S. from the University of Miami in the 6 year honours medical programme. She has worked with a number of UN agencies, civil society organizations and Ministries of Health in emerging and developing countries.
She is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Health Industry, Associate Fellow at the Chatham House Centre on Global Health Security, Advisory Board Member of the Financial Flows Programme at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and Visiting Faculty at the Public Health Foundation of India.
Sridhar and Clinton (2014). Overseeing Global Health, Finance and Development, International Monetary Fund
Sridhar, Frenk, Gostin and Moon (2014). Global rules for global health: why we need an independent, impartial WHO. BMJ 348
Gostin, Lawrence O and Devi Sridhar (2014). Global health and the Law. The New England Journal of Medicine 370:1732-1740
Burke, Rachael and Devi Sridhar. 2013. Health financing in Ghana, South Africa and Nigeria: Are they meeting the Abuja target? GEG Working Paper 2013/80.
Devi Sridhar and Ngaire Woods (2013) Trojan Multilateralism: Global Cooperation on Health, GEG Working Paper 72.
Devi Sridhar (2012) ‘Who Sets the Global Health Research Agenda? The Challenge of Multi-Bi Financing’, PLoS Med 9(9): e1001312.
Devi Sridhar, Lawrence O. Gostin and Derek Yach (2012), Healthy Governance: How the WHO can regain its relevance, Foreign Affairs, May 24, 2012.
Devi Sridhar and Kate Smolina (2012), ‘Motives Behind National and Regional Approaches to Health and Foreign Policy’, GEG Working Paper 2012/68, April 2012.
Devi Sridhar (2012), ‘Regulate alcohol for global health‘, Comment, Nature, vol 482, 16 February 2012, p. 302.
Devi Sridhar; Karen A Grepin; Katherine Leach-Kemon; Matthew Schneider; (2011) ‘How to do (or not to do) … Tracking data on development assistance for health’, Health Policy and Planning 2011.
Devi Sridhar, Steve Morrison and Peter Piot, (2011) Expectations for the UN High-Level Meeting on Noncommunicable Diseases Bulletin of the World Health Organization,vol.89.
Devi Sridhar and David Craig, Analysing Global Health Assistance: The Reach for Ethnographic, Institutional and Political Economic Scope, Social Science & Medicine, introduction to co-edited SI on Global Health Assistance, vol.72, no.12, 2011.
Devi Sridhar and Larry Gostin et al. (2011). The Joint Action and Learning Initiative: Towards a Global Agreement on National and Global Responsibilities for Health , PLOS Med, vol.8, no.5, 2011.
Devi Sridhar and Larry Gostin (2011), Reforming the World Health Organization, JAMA, vol.305, no.15.
Devi Sridhar, Karen Grepin et al. (2011), How to do (or not to do): track development assistance for health data, working paper, 2011.
Devi Sridhar, Steve Morrison & Peter Piot, Getting the Politics Right for the UN High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases , CSIS Report, 2011.
Devi Sridhar (2010). ‘Developing a Sustainable Global Response to HIV/AIDS,‘ World Politics Review, December 2010.
Devi Sridhar (2010) Improving aid for maternal, newborn, and child health The Lancet, early online publication
Devi Sridhar, ‘Seven Challenges in International Development Assistance for Health’, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (special issue edited by Larry Gostin), 38 pp. 459–469 (2010)
Devi Sridhar (2010) Seven Challenges in International Development Assistance for Health and Ways Forward The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 38(3): 459-469
Devi Sridhar (2010) Why No One Talks About Non-Communicable Diseases UN Chronicle, online
Devi Sridhar and Eduardo Gomez (2011), Health Financing in Brazil, Russia and India: What Role Does the International Community Play?, Health Policy and Planning. Vol. 26 (1): 12-24
Devi Sridhar and Eduardo Gómez, “Comparative Assessment of Health Financing in Brazil, Russia and India: Unpacking Budgetary Allocations in Health”, GEG Working Paper 2009/55
Devi Sridhar & Tami Tamashiro, ‘Vertical Funds in the Health Sector: Lessons for Education from the Global Fund and GAVI’, 2010 UNESCO GMR Background Paper, Final Draft.
Kevin Watkins and Devi Sridhar (2009) Road Traffic Injuries: a Silent Development Crisis Policy Briefing for the First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, Moscow, 19-20 November
Devi Sridhar, David McCoy and Sudeep Chand (2009) ‘Global health funding: how much, where it comes from and where it goes‘ in Health Policy and Planning, July 2009
Devi Sridhar, ‘Foreign Policy and Global Health: Country Strategies’, Health and Foreign Policy Introduction 28 May 2009.
Devi Sridhar and Larry Gostin (Co-editors), ‘Innovations in Global Health in a New Political Era,’ Special Issue of Global Health Governance, 2, 2, 2009
Devi Sridhar, Sanjeev Khangram and Tikki Pang, ‘Are Existing Governance Structures Equipped to Deal with Today’s
Global Health Challenges? Towards Systematic Coherence in Scaling-Up,’
special issue of Global Health Governance, 2, 2, 2009
The UNAIDS Leadership Transition Working Group Report (2009) was produced by a Working Group co-chaired by GEG and the Center for Global Development.
Devi Sridhar (2009) ‘Global Health – Who Can Lead?’ The World Today, 65, 2, February 2009
Kelley Lee, Devi Sridhar and Mayur Patel (2009) ‘Bridging the Divide: Global Governance of Trade and Health,’ Lancet, 373, 9661, 416-422, 31 January 2009
Devi Sridhar (2008) The Battle Against Hunger: Choice, Circumstance and the World Bank, Oxford University Press
Devi Sridhar (2008) ’Hungry for Change: The World Bank in India,’ South Asia Research, 28, 2
Devi Sridhar and Rajaie Batniji, (2008) ‘Misfinancing Global Health: The Case for Transparency in Disbursements and Decision-Making,’ WP 2008/39
Rajaie Batniji, Devi Sridhar and Ngaire Woods (2008) Report of a High-Level Working Group, 11-13 May, Global Economic Governance Programme
Devi Sridhar (2008) ‘Improving Access to Essential Medicines: How Health Concerns Can Be Prioritised in the Global Governance System,’ Public Health Ethics, special issue edited by Thomas Pogge, 1, 2
Devi Sridhar (2008) ‘Biologized Globalization in India,’ Special Issue of Socio-Cultural Anthropology, 4
Devi Sridhar (2007) ‘Economic Ideology and Politics in the World Bank: Defining Hunger,’ New Political Economy, 12, 4
Barriers to improvement of mental health services in low-income and middle-income countries Benedetto Saraceno, Mark van Ommeren, Rajaie Batniji, Alex Cohen, Oye Gureje, John Mahoney, Devi Sridhar and Chris Underhill. Lancet 2007; 370:1164-74
Pubmed link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17804061
Benedetto Saraceno, Mark van Ommeren, Rajaie Batniji, Alex Cohen, Oye Gureje, John Mahoney, Devi Sridhar and Chris Underhill (2007) ‘Barriers to improvement of mental health services in low-income and middle-income countries‘ Lancet 370:1164-74
Devi Sridhar and Rajaie Batniji (with B. Saraceno, M. van Ommeren, A. Cohen, O. Gureje, J. Mahoney, and C. Underhill) (2007) ‘Barriers to Improvement of Mental Health Services in Low-income and Middle-income Countries’, Lancet, 370, 9593: 1164-1174
Devi Sridhar (2007) ‘Mainstreaming Nutrition as Social Welfare,’ United Nations Chronicle, June 2007