Dr Camila Villard Duran, Senior Research Associate, GLF 2014-16
Camila Villard Duran, 2019. Guarding the money guardian: How the Ombudsman is enhancing the legal framework for European Central Bank transparency. GEG Working Paper, No. 140
Camila Villard Duran, 2018. Voice and exit: How emerging powers are promoting institutional changes in the international monetary system. Brazilian Journal of International Law, Volume 15, N1.
Camila Villard Duran, 2016. The Framework for The Social Accountability of Central Banks: The Growing Relevance of The Soft Law in Central Banking. European Journal of Legal Studies, Volume Issue 19
Camila Villard Duran, 2015. Confronting the Coming Liquidity Crisis, Project Syndicate Op-Ed.
Camila Villard Duran, 2015. Avoiding the next liquidity crunch: how the G20 must support monetary cooperation to increase resilience to crisis Global Economic Governance Policy Brief
Camila Villard Duran, Barbara Simão and Maria Luciano, 2015. Why has Dilma Rousseff promoted so few women? The Conversation Op-Ed.
Camila Villard Duran, 2014. Brazil's Institutional Limbo, Project Syndicate Op-Ed.