Dr Vu Thanh Tu Anh, Research Associate, GLF 2013-15


“The GLF Programme is an invaluable opportunity for me to join the intellectually stimulating environment at two of the best universities where I can develop new networks, exchange ideas with others, and associate with leading scholars and policy specialists who work on common problems and devise better policies for developing countries. The overall objective of my research is to understand how and to what extent the interactions with global economic institutions, particularly the WTO, have shaped and modified the Vietnamese economic institutions and political governance. This study also aims at understanding how the rules and values of global economic institutions are defined in the Vietnamese domestic context and by its institutional reactions.”

Vu Thanh Tu Anh is Director of Research at the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, and a 2013-15 GEG Global Leaders Fellow. Dr Tu Anh's primary research interests include public finance, economic development, and industrial policy. He received his PhD degrees in economics from Boston College.

As the Fulbright School's research director, Dr Tu Anh leads the Fulbright School's policy research and analysis efforts and coordinating research teams. He teaches regularly in the Fulbright School's executive education and policy dialogue initiatives with the Vietnamese government. Dr Tu Anh also serves as a member of the Consultative Group of the National Assembly’s Economic Committee and the Scientific Committee at Vietnam National University. Dr Tu Anh frequently comments on economic policy issues in the Vietnamese media, and is currently the op-ed columnist for the Saigon Economic Times, a leading economic and business journal in Vietnam.

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