Dr Akachi Odoemene, GLF 2013-15
“For me, the Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders postdoctoral fellowship is an outstanding and esteemed opportunity, and a great match to my interests and ambitions. I see in it an excellent prospect for enriching myself towards productive scholarship, especially taking advantage of the availability of the enormous and excellent human and material resources that will be at my disposal in these two world-class Universities. During my time as a fellow, I intend to examine the ‘land grab’ (for biofuel) phenomenon in Africa. My objective is to explore more effective and productive strategies for mutual engagement, cooperation and benefits in global land politics and governance in Africa."
Akachi Odoemene is a Social Historian trained at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria from where he obtained a Ph.D. in African History in 2008. He has interest in scholarly African issues related to the field of Social History, especially in the areas of Peace and Conflict Studies, Ethnic Studies, Development and Gender Studies, as well as global land governance and political economy in Africa. Dr. Odoemene is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History and International Relations, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Odoemene, Akachi, 2015. Socio-Political Economy and Dynamics of Government-Driven Land Grabbing in Nigeria since 2000. GEG Working Paper.
Odoemene, Akachi, 2015. Rethinking ‘Development Investment’ in Nigeria’s Agricultural Land. GEG Policy Brief.