Dr Le Thanh Forsberg, GLF 2009-11
“The GLF fellowship is a wonderful opportunity to develop my academic analysis and expertise based on a broader global vision, and a cross-disciplinary examination of development issues. Oxford offered the intellectual exchanges in a complex environment, while Princeton has given me organizational and methodological guidance on an outstanding level. I especially appreciate the GLF Colloquium, which offers a sharp review of my own research, enables me to learn about other related research fields, and allows us to maintain the GLF network.”
Le Thanh Forsberg is from Vietnam. She obtained her Bachelor Degree in International Studies from Vietnam National University in 1998. In 2000, she completed the Uppsala Master Program in International Studies, with major in Peace and Conflict Research, in Sweden. Her research focused on regionalism and security cooperation in Southeast Asia. In 2007, she received her Doctorate in development studies and institutional economics from Lund University through the fellowships of the Swedish School of Advanced Asia-Pacific Studies and the European Institute of Japanese Studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. Her research area was the politics of foreign aid and the defining of ownership in development planning of recipient countries.
She is currently advising on development cooperation and partnerships between Swedish and Vietnamese academic institutions. Her focus is development effectiveness and governance at global and country levels, with a focus on Vietnam. During her GLF year at Oxford, she worked on defining to what extent political constraints and economic interests influence healthcare reforms and the rapid commercialization of healthcare services in Vietnam. She paid a close attention in her research during the time in Princeton to study the politics of healthcare statistics in Vietnam and advance her knowledge in public policy.
Apart from her academic affiliations, Le Thanh has conducted policy analysis and consultancies for governmental, international and think-tank organizations on donor development strategies and aid coordination in recipient countries. Some of her major assignments have been for the UNDP, OECD, FRIDE; and government agencies in Sweden and Vietnam. She is also included in the UNDP’s expert pool for democratic governance as a political economy analyst.
Select Publications
Forsberg, Le Thanh (2010) “The Swedish Exit From Vietnam: Leaving Painfully or Normalizing Bilateral Relations”, Policy Paper 749 on Aid Effectiveness and Donor Coordination, FRIDE, Madrid, Spain.
Forsberg, Le Thanh & Kokko, Ari (2008) “The Role of Donors in the Vietnamese Development Planning”, in Kokko, A. (Ed.) Vietnam’s 20 Years of Doi Moi Review, UNDP & Vietnam Academy of Social Science, Hanoi: The Gioi Publisher.
Forsberg, Le Thanh & Kokko, Ari (2008) From Growth to Poverty Reduction: The Framework for Development Cooperation in Vietnam, Vietnam Country Report 2007, Sida, Stockholm.