Dr Pichamon Yeophantong, Research Associate, GLF 2012-14
Dr Pichamon Yeophantong is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Development at UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA). She is also the Director of the Environmental Justice and Human Rights Project at the Australian Human Rights Centre, and has consulted on a variety of projects relating to social and environmental justice in Asia with the American Friends Service Committee and Nanjing Forest Police College, among other organizations. In 2017, Pichamon received the prestigious Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) from the Australian Research Council (ARC) for a research project to study the social and environmental impacts of Chinese investment in Southeast Asia’s extractives sector. As one of the ARC's most competitive grant schemes, the DECRA will provide a total project funding of $357,773 over three years.
Other post-GLF career highlights include: invited speaker on the Closing Plenary of the 2016 ISA Asia-Pacific Conference; recipient of an ASEAN-Canada Senior Fellowship from Nanyang Technological University; and invited expert panelist at the 2015 SBS Future Forum. Pichamon is also collaborating with fellow GLFs on research projects concerning Chinese foreign policy and environmental governance. A list of her publications and research activities can be accessed here.
Civil Regulation and Chinese Resource Investment in Myanmar and Vietnam, GEG Working Paper, October 2015
China’s Lancang Dam Cascade and Transnational Activism in the Mekong Region: Who’s Got the Power? Asian Survey (July/August 2014) Vol. 54, No. 4 , pp. 700-724
Understanding humanitarian action in East and Southeast Asia: a historical perspective, Working Paper, Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute (2014)
Governing the World: China’s Evolving Conceptions of Responsibility, Chinese Journal of International Politics (Winter 2013) 6(4): 329-364