The Politics of Aid (2008), Oxford University Press

New Publication: Economic Development and Political Violence in Ethiopia (GEG WP 145)
Palace of Westminster
Written evidence on trade governance for the APPG on Trade and Export Promotion
Sub- and non-state climate action: a framework to assess progress, implementation and impact

Full Title: The Politics of Aid: African Strategies for Dealing with Donors

Author: Lindsay Whitfield

Type: Book


This book presents an original approach to understanding the relationship between official aid agencies and aid-receiving African governments. The first part provides a challenge to the hazy official claims of aid donors that they have stopped trying to force African governments to do what 'we' think is best for 'them' and instead are now promoting African 'ownership' of the policies and projects which foreign aid supports. The authors tease out the multiple meanings of the term 'ownership', demonstrating why it became popular when it did, but also the limits to this discourse of ownership observed in aid practices. The authors set out to defend a particular vision of ownership-one that involves African governments taking back control of their development policies and priorities. Based largely on interviews with the people who do the negotiating on both sides of the aid relationship, the country case studies put the rhetoric of the new aid system to a more practical test. The authors ask how donors seek to achieve their policy objectives without being seen to push too hard, what preconditions they place on transferring authority to African governments, and what effect the constant discussions over development policy have on state institutions, democracy and political culture in recipient countries. It investigates the strategies that African states have adopted to advance their objectives in aid negotiations and how successful their efforts have been. Comparing the country experiences, it points out the conditions accounting for the varying success of eight African countries: Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia. It concludes by asking whether the conditions African countries face in aid negotiations are changing.

Author Bio

Lindsay Whitfield has a B.A. in Political Science and a B.A. in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. She left the United States to pursue graduate studies at the University of Oxford, where she received a M.Phil. in Development Studies and a D.Phil. in Politics. After completing her DPhil, she took up the post as the first Junior Research Fellow at the Global Economic Governance Programme, University College and the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford. While at GEG, she led the Negotiating Aid project and published The Politics of Aid: African strategies for dealing with donors (OUP, 2009). She moved to Copenhagen in 2008 to be part of a four-year research project on Elites, Production and Poverty based at the Danish Institute for International Studies (see At DIIS, she was a Project Senior Researcher and part of the Politics and Development research unit. In October 2011, she took up a new position as Associate Professor in Global Studies at Roskilde University, Denmark, where she teaches in Global Studies and Development Studies degree programs and continues research in the comparative political economy of development.

A full list of her publications and her CV can be found here