
Key policy-makers and demonstrators alike are questioning elements of global finance and regulators are responding with attempts to reduce risks in global banking. Yet too few people are asking how global finance can better serve global growth and development; what would an ideal global banking and financial system look like? The project seeks to contribute to the public debate by bringing together central bankers, finance professionals, investment negotiators and world-class academics, and applying economic, political, historical, and legal perspectives.

Our research in global financial governance area focuses on three broad areas:

  1. What issues require global collective action? Where is international cooperation in finance necessary, and where is it not? What role, if any, should the IMF and other international institutions play in regulating finance? What role will new and emerging inter-governmental networks, such as the G20, play? What institutional reforms are necessary to ensure that global financial governance supports effective national regulation?
  2. How much ‘room for manoeuvre’ is there for developing countries? What international regulations, standards and rules are clashing with or foreclosing developing country policy choices? Which global rules and standards are countries under particularly high pressure to implement and what are the sources of these pressures? How can developing countries navigate overlapping regimes in finance, trade and investment to their advantage?
  3. How do we address ‘regulatory capture’? Who benefits under different scenarios for international financial regulation? Which actors must be mobilised and engaged to prevent regulatory capture – governments, regulators, private sector actors, and other non-state actors?
Emily Jones presents research at the Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland
Emily Jones presents research at the Community of African Banking Supervisors, Egypt
Workshop on the politics of economic policymaking in African countries
Call for papers: Political Economy of Finance conference for early career researchers
Research workshop: debate on the legal research of economic stabilisation plans
Rebecca Engebretsen on Angola's economic peril
Labour's investment bank plan could help fix our damaging financial system
Money in different currencies
New paper from Emily Jones and Alexa Zeitz
Kako Nubukpo wins Francophone Economics Book Prize
Call for papers: Developing countries navigating global finance
Learning from Africa’s mobile banking revolution
GEG/BSG is hiring: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Global Economic Governance
Global Leaders Fellow Camila Duran Presents Paper at Conference on Monetary Stability in Latin America
GEG Director Ngaire Woods speaks at IMF meeting on Public Sector Governance
GLF Kako Nubukpo gives views on management of the CFA franc to French radio
Former Governor of Kenya’s Central Bank, Professor Njuguna Ndung’u joins GEG in September
GEG Director Professor Ngaire Woods comments on Chinese market falls for BBC Today programme
GEG Director Professor Ngaire Woods comments on future of IMF for BBC
Global Leaders Fellow presents analysis of Brazil’s response to financial crisis to senior policymakers
How to stem the withdrawal of correspondent banking from Africa?
Catching up with reality: Rethinking Global Economic Governance for Development
GLF Camila Villard Duran puts emerging nations on the agenda at Think20 meeting in Turkey
LICs navigating banking regulation: early research presentation
Global Leader Fellow Camila Villard Duran presents recommendations to Think 20 Conference
High-Level Report offers new vision for macroeconomic policy in Africa and regulatory responses to new global finance
How the EU can help Bulgaria avoid another banking crisis: Op-Ed by Ivaylo Iaydjiev
How to Harness Trade and Finance for Development? GEG’s Emily Jones Joins Expert Group
New Research Project Launched: Global financial regulations and low income countries
Global Financial Governance after the Crisis
International monetary system in flux
Ripple effects of China’s slowdown?
Africa and New Global Finance
Dispatches from Davos
GEG Investment Research Presented at International Workshop in Bonn
GEG Hosts Chile’s Central Bank Governor at 2014 Annual Lecture
Professor Ngaire Woods on BBC Radio 4
GEG Hosts High-Level Workshop on Investment Protection
Ngaire Woods Discusses the Likelihood of an IMF Deal for Ukraine
GEG Welcomes Jeromin Zettelmeyer for Discussion of Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Monetary and Regulatory Spillovers Debated at GEG High-Level Roundtable
Ngaire Woods Debates Monetary Policy Spillovers on BBC’s Newsnight
Ngaire Woods in Davos
GEG at the Challenges of Government Conference
Ngaire Woods participates in African Progress Panel expert meeting
Deputy IMF Director Gives GEG 10th Anniversary Lecture
Ngaire Woods speaks on financial reform at UK Parliament seminar
GEG awarded $250,000 by the Ford Foundation
GEG Director Ngaire Woods Addresses Commonwealth Finance Ministers
GEG Director Ngaire Woods Delivers Princeton Lectures
Kako Nubukpo Appointed Minister in Togo
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Lecture Available Online
Globalisation's Big Gamble
Ngaire Woods Piece in Chatham House Publication: The World Today
Greece Must Default Totally to Assure the Markets, Ngaire Woods Tells the FT
UK Minister on World Bank Reform
Ngaire Woods IPPR Article
The G20 and Global Governance
The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown Delivers GEG Special Address
Emily Jones at Fourth UN Conference on LDCs
Ngaire Woods at the World Economic Forum
Workshop: Multilateral Liberalization Through Bilateral Treaties?
19/06/2012 Global Finance Workshop
FT Article: Dr Philipp Hildebrand on How to Fix Eurozone Banks
Ngaire Woods: IMF Has Learnt Lessons of Austerity
Have Global Banks Made the “Great Escape” from New Regulation?
Ngaire Woods: The G20 is The Place We Can Hold Countries and Institutions to Account
Fiscal Transparency: When and How Does it Lead to Improved Accountability?
The New Economics and Politics of Cross-Border Finance Regulation
In the Balance, BBC World Service
Five Years On: The Empty Promise of Global Institutions After the Crisis
GEG WP 2005/15 Responsive regulation and developing economics
Working papers
GEG WP 2004/10 Global Business, Local Constraints: The Case of Water in South Africa
Working papers
GEG WP 2004/09 When do governments implement voluntary codes and standards? The experienc eof financial codes in East Asia
Working papers
GEG WP 2004/08 Malaysia's pathway through financial crisis
Working papers
GEG WP 2004/07 South Africa's pathway through financial crisis
Working papers
GEG WP 2004/06 India's pathway through financial crisis - Arunabha Ghosh
Dr Arunabha Ghosh, GLF 2008-10
Working papers
Smart Governance: Solutions for Today's Global Economy - 5 Dec 2013 Annual Lecture, GEG 10th Anniversary
Shadow Banking, Financial Risk and Regulation in China and other Developing Countries
2 May 2013 Lecture: Dani Rodrik, Professor of Social Science at Princeton
15 Feb 2011 Special Address: The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown
3 Nov 2010 Annual Lecture: Mr. Henrique Meirelles, Former Governor of Brazil's Central Bank
5 Mar 2009 Annual Lecture: Dr Tarisa Watanagase, Central Bank Governor of Thailand