GEG seeks to understand the politics of the international investment regime and how it affects foreign investment in developing countries.
Our work on investment focuses on three issue areas:
- The political economy of foreign investment in developing countries, with a particular focus on Chinese investment overseas
- The implications of international investment policies – such as bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and investment chapters in trade agreements – for national regulatory policies in developing countries
- The increasing importance of developing countries as a source of outward foreign investment and implications for the international investment regime
The Future of the Global Trade and Investment Architecture: New Research from Carolyn Deere Birkbeck

Legal expert Anna Joubin-Bret discusses EU's radical proposal for global investment in latest 'New Thinking' video

Global Leaders Fellow Camila Duran Presents Paper at Conference on Monetary Stability in Latin America

Carolyn Deere Birkbeck presents at launch of E15 work on Global Trade and Investment Architecture

Debating the Future of the Investment Regime: GEG Researchers Participate in Expert Meetings at UNCTAD and OECD

GEG Research Associate Lauge Poulsen Reacts to House of Lords’ Report on Investment Arbitration

Adapting Watercourse Agreements to Developments in International Law: The Case of the Itaipu Treaty

How to negotiate infrastructure deals with China: four things African governments need to get right

GEG WP 2018/137 Legalization, Diplomacy, and Development: Do investment treaties de-politicize investment disputes?
Working papers

GEG WP 2017/132 Investment Disputes, Sovereignty Costs, and the Strategies of States
Working papers

The role of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in sustainable development: Assessing the first three years