GEG fosters research on trade governance from the perspective of developing countries and the goal of sustainable development.
Our work on trade focuses on three issue areas:
- The governance of the World Trade Organisation
- The ability of small states to maneuver and influence international trade negotiations
- The implications of regional and bilateral trade agreements for the governance of global trade

Carolyn Deere Birkbeck in Lancet Viewpoint on trade and investment agreements, and health inequities
Call for papers: The end of the commodity super-cycle and its implications for oil- and mineral-exporting countries
The Future of the Global Trade and Investment Architecture: New Research from Carolyn Deere Birkbeck

Legal expert Anna Joubin-Bret discusses EU's radical proposal for global investment in latest 'New Thinking' video

Carolyn Deere Birkbeck presents at launch of E15 work on Global Trade and Investment Architecture

GEG’s Carolyn Deere Birkbeck Appointed to Panel on Global Governance for Health, focusing on international trade and public health

Will this time really be different? Twenty years of trying (and failing) to reset Europe-Africa relations
Journal articles

Strenghtening international cooperation to tackle plastic pollution: options for the WTO
Policy briefs

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): What’s at Stake and What Does it Mean for the Global Trading System?