New GEG Researchers - Spring 2016

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GEG is excited to welcome three researchers to the team.

Yeajin Yoon recently completed the Blavatnik School of Government’s Master of Public Policy. Currently she leads on the development and delivery of regional initiatives for government reform, and focuses on the ASEAN +3 countries.

Peter Knaack’s research interest lies where money meets power - the international political economy of finance. As a GEG post-doc, he will be working on the political economy of financial regulation in low-income countries. How do global financial standards affect low and low-middle income countries? What choices do governments face in the post-crisis regulatory environment? And how can they influence the further development of global financial regulatory standards to better meet their needs? Additionally, he will be looking at the G20 and the Financial Stability Board as government networks, and is working on a book project that compares the G20 commitments on financial reform from 2009 with the reality of their implementation last year. He will also continue his research on the political economy of financial regulation in China. 

We warmly welcome back Taylor St John, who will be with GEG over the summer. Dr St John will be completing her book, ICSID and the Rise of Investor-State Arbitration, which is forthcoming with Oxford University Press in 2017. She will also be continuing her other work on the the international architecture to resolve disputes between foreign investors and states, including more videos in the New Thinking on Investment Treaties series. You can read her recent GEG Working Paper (with Noel Johnston): Who Needs Rules? Explaining Participation in the International Investment Regime.