Intellectual Property
The governance of global knowledge profoundly affects our responses to urgent global challenges, from climate change to human health and the eradication of poverty.
Our work on intellectual property and knowledge governance focuses on four issue areas:
- The politics of global intellectual property rules and the ways in which developing countries engage with and exert influence over them
- The politics of international intellectual property reforms in developing countries
- The governance of the World Intellectual Property Organisation
- Proposing principles and options for the future of the global knowledge regime
Amidst continuing calls for the reform of global intellectual property rules, GEG has convened an independent Expert Taskforce on Global Knowledge Governance to advise on reforming global knowledge governance. The taskforce is led by a small, core team of experts participating in a personal capacity, supported by several distinguished Honorary Advisors.
Recent publications
Deere Birkbeck, C. 2014. Inside View – Strengthening WIPO’s Governance for the Next 50 Years: A Time for Action, Intellectual Property Watch, 26 September 2014.
Deere Birkbeck, C. 2014. WIPO’s Assistance To Developing Countries: Taking Forward The Unfinished Reform Agenda, Inside View - Intellectual Property Watch, 13 November 2014